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Who Should Undergo a Bone Density Test?

Are you a woman 65 years of age or older? Are you years younger, but feel like you’re shrinking? You could be experiencing bone loss, something that happens naturally with age but can also be a sign of a more serious condition. No matter what causes bone loss, your risk for breaking a bone goes up drastically once you’ve lost a certain percentage of your bone mass. 

Dr. Rimma Gelbert provides bone density testing at her osteopathic medical practice in Brooklyn, New York. She can help determine if you have started losing bone mass, identify the cause, and create a treatment plan to safeguard your bone health and help prevent breaks.

How a bone density test works

A bone density test only takes a few minutes. Dr. Gelbert uses a low-dose X-ray to measure how many grams of bone minerals (such as calcium) are present in a segment of bone, usually in your hip, forearm, or spine. The level of density can be evaluated to determine if you are at risk for a bone fracture. 

In previous times, you wouldn't have been able to tell your bones were becoming brittle until you broke one. Today, this type of testing can provide an early warning system so you can make remedial efforts to help stop bone loss and maintain bone health.

Candidates for a bone density test

Patients most in need of a bone density scan include: 

Smoking, alcohol and caffeine use, certain medications, or vitamin D deficiency can also increase your risk of bone loss. 

What to do if you have low bone mass

If you have low bone mass, Dr. Gelbert may recommend medication or lifestyle changes. You can help slow down your bone loss and prevent osteoporosis in your future by adding foods with calcium and vitamin D to your diet and by staying active with a regular exercise regimen. With proper care, you may be able to stop bone loss and help prevent fractures as you age.

If you believe it’s time for you to get a bone density test, contact our office at 347-354-2528 or book your appointment online using our convenient scheduling tool. 

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