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5 Reasons You're Getting UTIs

There’s usually very little advanced warning that you’re going to be hit with a urinary tract infection (UTI), but a few conditions and behaviors can make you far more susceptible. While some of the causes of UTIs are beyond your control, there are those that are well within your power to change.

At our Brooklyn, New York, practice, Dr. Rimma Gelbert and our team provide an extensive range of services, covering your health from head to toe. Whether you have diabetes or you’re concerned about your heart health, our staff is here to help.

We find that one of the most important tools we have is education and preventive care. To that end, we’ve pulled together this brief look at how you may be unwittingly setting the stage for recurring UTIs, as well as a few reasons that are beyond your control.

1. Your gender

Let’s start with one of the main reasons you may be suffering from repeated UTIs — your gender. Women have a 50% lifetime risk of developing a UTI because of simple anatomy — a female urethra is far shorter than the male urethra, which means bacteria get into the bladder more easily.

Of course, this primary cause of UTIs is something you’re unable to change, but it is helpful to know that, if you’re a woman, you need to be extra vigilant about UTIs.

2. Your age

If you’re a woman who’s gone through menopause, you’re more prone to UTIs because your hormones are no longer keeping up with the health of your urinary tract as they once did. If you’re postmenopausal, be mindful of your increased risk and take care to drink plenty of fluids to keep your urinary tract functioning properly.

You can also talk to us about hormone replacement therapy if you’re experiencing other menopausal symptoms that are creating problems.

3. Sexual activity

Both men and women who are sexually active are at a far greater risk of developing UTIs, as bacteria can be transferred and spread more easily. You should know there are ways that you can mitigate any trouble.

For example, women should urinate soon after intercourse, which flushes out the urethra. Women can also dab a little antibiotic ointment around their urethra opening after sexual intercourse for good measure.

4. Holding it in

Another factor that puts you more at risk for developing a UTI is when you hold your urine, which allows time for bacteria to set up shop. Whenever you need to urinate, do so promptly and make sure you empty your bladder fully. If you leave urine in your bladder, you’re giving bacteria ample time to create an infection.

5. Birth control

Women who use a diaphragm or sponge with spermicide need to be aware that these forms of birth control are associated with an increased risk of a UTI. If you’re prone to these infections, come in and talk to us about trying a different form of birth control to alleviate this risk.

If you’d like to learn more about preventing and treating UTIs, please contact us at 347-354-2742, or use our convenient online scheduling tool to book an appointment.

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